FIU Emeritus Faculty is made up of educators who have chosen to maintain their relationship with FIU after formal retirement. The purpose of this fund would be to provide supplemental financial support for Emeritus Faculty who are facing extraordinary financial challenges. Funds would be allocated by an elected committee of three emeritus faculty. The Emeritus Circle encourages emeritus faculty to continue their intellectual engagement with their respective professional communities.

How to Give
- Recurring Biweekly Payroll Deductions – Your Gift Amount will be deducted continuously. (i.e., $1.92 = $1.92 per pay period until you request a change)
- One Payment Payroll Deduction – Your Gift Amount will be deducted from one pay check only. (i.e., $100 = $ 100 from one pay period)
- Pay Directly with Credit Card
- Download Pledge Form