The Global Health Support funds are to execute the initiatives under the Global Health Consortium. We are working with countries all over the world in order to discover and innovate solutions that can help the many global health issues such as antimicrobial resistance, diabetes, cervical cancer, climate change in health, health and environment and other relevant topics. We are committed to working with the most influential organizations such as the Pan American Health Organization, the World Health Organization and more. Key partnerships such as these help implement guidelines, publications and information to those that are the most in need and can truly make an impact on the status of global health.

How to Give
- Recurring Biweekly Payroll Deductions – Your Gift Amount will be deducted continuously. (i.e., $1.92 = $1.92 per pay period until you request a change)
- One Payment Payroll Deduction – Your Gift Amount will be deducted from one pay check only. (i.e., $100 = $ 100 from one pay period)
- Pay Directly with Credit Card
- Download Pledge Form