Mechanical and Materials Engineering Fund | Ignite | Florida International University | FIU
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Mechanical and Materials Engineering Fund

The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Florida International University offers a curriculum, which is design to give our students a thorough understanding of the basic laws of science and to stimulate and develop creative thinking, a professional attitude, economic judgment, and environmental consciousness.

The overall aim is to develop the students’ potential to the fullest, prepare them for superior performance as engineers, and to provide students with the fundamental principles necessary for pursuing advanced study in the diverse fields of engineering, science and business.

As part of FIU’s overall advancement effort, we strive to create and award significant scholarships. This gives the Department opportunity to provide additional funding to help offset the costs of Senior Student Design projects, and allows the Department to conduct seminar series with the leading professionals in their field, as well as respond to other views and challenges as they arise. It is an opportunity to pay it forward by “giving back” so that future students who would otherwise be financially burdened can have a chance to leave a legacy for generations to come.

Mechanical and Material engineer students at FIU Arena
Mechanical and Material Engineer Student showing medical equipment in FIU arena
Mechanical and Material Engineering student boxing in FIU arena
“This project is important because it removes the financial limitation for the Engineering Projects chosen for Senior Design Project I and II. Four years of dedication to learning mechanical engineering and the end is often limited due to financial means. A project like this that funds senior design for engineers removes the Achilles heel of students developing a project with a budget out of their means. This creates equal opportunities for students to realize their project if they cannot fund it themselves.” Jose Barsallo – Senior Student at MME Department
"More than half the students I have met that come up with groundbreaking ideas for their senior project, have sadly realized they will not be able to fund these ideas, due to the fact that all projects are mostly funded out of the individual team’s pockets. This is a huge disadvantage not only for the team, but also for FIU and our communities as a whole, because we as students of the FIU Engineering Center are limited in our breakthroughs. Funding should not be the hurdle that restrains us from reaching world’s ahead research potential. I sincerely hope this testimonial serves as a voice for all of the students here in the Mechanical Engineering Department- to get more funding for Senior Design Projects means to impact a student’s career path and to provide the platform for the next big thing!”Kumar Yogesh Shah – Senior Mechanical Engineering Student FIU EC MME Department

How to Give

  • Recurring Biweekly Payroll Deductions – Your Gift Amount will be deducted continuously. (i.e., $1.92 = $1.92 per pay period until you request a change)
  • One Payment Payroll Deduction – Your Gift Amount will be deducted from one pay check only. (i.e., $100 = $ 100 from one pay period)
  • Pay Directly with Credit Card
  • Download Pledge Form

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